Message Templating

Message Templating is a powerful way to create dynamic messages that you can customise on the fly based on data that you send.


There are several ways that Message Templating is able to be used within Connect.

Firstly, there are 2 ways to configure templates.

    Stored TemplatesThese are set up and saved within Connect, and enable higher performance when sending bulk messages using these templates. This is the recommended way to configure a template when it is to be used repeatedly.
    Ad-Hoc TemplatesOn any send method, you may also send a template against a message. This has lower performance than a Stored template, but is useful in testing.

There are also multiple ways to use the templates:

    Via the PortalFrom within the portal, for each message you send (whether Single or Bulk) you must select the appropriate toggle to "Enable Templates" prior to sending.This is not necessary if you select a Stored Template rather than entering your own message content.
    Via the APIWhen using the API, you must set the Templated property to true to enable templating. This is not necessary if you send a TemplateId rather than Content.

There are also technically 2 template languages available.

For emails, you are able to use  MJML  for your message content to reduce the burden on email client compatibility.

For both SMS and Email, you may additionally use  Liquid , a comprehensive templating language allowing conditional statements, loops and more.