These Release Notes refer to the legacy version of the divergent Cloud used by early partners.
Bulk sending API no longer requires templated content to be sent alongside each recipient.
We've slightly improved performance of single SMS sends.
The SMS OTP API now has a configurable expiry in seconds, set { expiry: 600 } for a 10 minute expiry.
The Combined OTP API (Email & SMS) is now available to certain customers.
We've rolled out some performance changes for Outdoor locations that have weather information displaying.
When you only have a single Location in the platform, your customers will automatically be taken in to the booking area. The location finder won't be available in this case.
When a customer views their gift card balance, the message shown for cards with no remaining balance has been clarified.
A bug where "undefined" would erroneously show if there was a Location with no address has been fixed.
We've fixed a bug where a customers' tags and pricing rules didn't correctly evaluate on the customer interface, meaning that the price displayed for a booking may be different before and after it's added to the basket.
An issue where the SMS Sender wasn't correctly overridden for certain customers has been fixed.
An bug where a logo image would attempt to be displayed when there isn't one to display was squashed.