Booking Reminders are a powerful way to reduce no-shows and present any real time information to your customers.
Reminders can be sent by Email, SMS or both at a fixed time prior to the booking or event date.
Customising your Reminders
Email reminders by default contain the same information as your Booking Confirmation.
SMS reminders are kept short and sweet, reminding them of the location and the time that has been booked.
Remember, SMS is a very powerful tool when used right. Sending a long message is unlikely to be read unless it's expected.
Where possible, use your Email Reminders to convey more information, and keep the SMS reminders to simple bullet points.
You can head to Settings → Communications to customise the reminder using Liquid and MJML on a global basis.
Reminders per Location
There are 2 ways to customise reminders per location, either using the per-location Communication Settings (see Settings → Locations, choose the location, and then click "Communications") or by using Liquid if statements in the global templates.
When using the global template, the best way to customise reminders per location is to use the "slug" (you can find this in Location Settings, or on your front end click a location and it's the path that appears after your domain, for example with "", the location slug is "my-location-1".
You can then use this to create a template such as the following:
{%-iflocation.slug =="my-location-1"-%}
This reminder goes to My Location 1 only
This reminder goes everywhere else
What's happening here:
1 - We're telling the template to only execute certain parts depending on the result of the comparison, in this case if the location slug is equal to my-location-1. When the reminder is sent to bookings for this location, the template within the %} and {% is sent.
2 - The - in {%- and -%} is used to remove whitespace, so that we can make things a bit prettier.
3 - When the comparison in line 1 does not match, it goes in to the "else" and executes that template instead.
If you're having trouble understanding, try reading out the liquid in your head, where == means "equals".